Mammal survey on the Rio Jauaperí, Rio Negro Basin,

the Amazon, Brazil


Zoological Museum University of Copenhagen, Mammal Department,
Universitetsparken 15, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark

Summary. – The Brazilian part of the Rio Negro Basin, a major region of the Amazon, is one of the least studied regions of the Amazon rainforest. An intensive, four months inventory of the medium to large, non-volant mammal species was conducted in the area encompassing the lower Rio Xixuaú, a minor tributary to the Rio Jauaperí river, to the north of Rio Negro. The main habitats of the study area were seasonally flooded igapó forest, riparian vegetation, higher-lying terra firme forest, secondary forest, minor water courses and lakes. Using walked transects, camera trapping, observations from canoe, nightspotting, interviews, and identification of skulls, it was possible to list 43 species for the study site, including 8 xenarthrans, 7 primates, 12 carnivores and 5 ungulates. The habitat use of the primate species is analyzed.

KEY WORDS : Mammal inventory, camera trapping, primate habitat use, Rio Negro region, the Amazon, Brazil.


The majority of the mammal surveys of the Brazilian Amazon has been carried out to the south of Rio Amazonas and on tributaries to Rio Solimões (Voss and Emmons 1996; Patton et al. 2000) – mainly on white water rivers. The black water Rio Negro Basin is one of the least studied regions of the Amazon rainforest. The first collections on the Rio Negro were conducted by the expedition of A. Rodrigues Ferreira in the end of the eighteenth century, and later, in the nineteenth century, also A.R. Wallace visited the region. Avila Pires (1964) published a paper on mammals collected on the Rio Negro close to Manaus. The only recent intensive mammal inventory of a delimited study site in the Brazilian part of the Rio Negro region was carried out in the Parque Nacional do Jaú, situated at Rio Jaú, to the south of Rio Negro (M.N.F. da Silva, personal communication) - a study that focused on small mammal trapping (Patton and da Silva, unpublished species list). Rio Jauaperí, where this study took place, runs to the north of Rio Negro, which is a major distribution barrier for many mammal species (Emmons and Feer 1997; Eisenberg and Redford 1999).
An intensive, four months mammal inventory was conducted in the Xixuaú Nature Reserve, situated on the western side of the middle Rio Jauaperí, Roraima state, Brazil (headquarters at S 0º48.023’, W 61º33.476’). Xixuaú Nature Reserve is an area of approximately 150,000 ha of mostly pristine rainforest. The study area consists of the typical forest habitat types of the region; higher-lying unflooded terra firme forest, lower-lying seasonally flooded igapó forest and riparian vegetation, as well as secondary forest at various successional stages, a few minor plantations, minor water courses and lakes. During the floodseason the area receives ‘black’ water from Rio Jauaperí, and the igapó is flooded by black water, however, a couple of months a year, during the low water season, the water courses inside the Nature Reserve are exceptionally clear and the water less acidic. The study focused on the area encompassing the lower Rio Xixuaú, a narrow river in the southern part of the Nature Reserve.
The study was conducted starting at the peak of the low water season of the beginning of 2001 when all of the igapó forest was dry. During the study period, the rainy season began and waters rose considerably, and at the end of the study period the igapó was starting to flood. Observations from an earlier one-month visit to Xixuaú in August 1996, at the peak of the flood season, are included.
The area was traditionally inhabitated by indigenous people, who must have carried out subsistance hunting. For more than three decades, the area has been inhabited by only a few caboclo families and, besides poaching of cats and otters, hunting pressure was probably light. Hunting ceased altogether with the establishment of the Xixuaú Nature Reserve about 10 years ago.
The main aim of this study was to inventory the medium to large, non-volant mammal species of the area. In addition, the habitat use of primates in the area was studied in more detail.


The following methods were used: camera trapping, diurnal and nocturnal walked transects, diurnal and nocturnal observations from canoe, identification of tracks, interviews of knowledgeable reserve staff, and, in the case of one species, identification of skull and skeletal parts.
Six TrailMaster camera traps with infrared trigger mechanism were used (TM 550 Passive Infrared Trail Monitor + TM35-1 Camera Kit) (Goodson and Associates, USA). Trap stations were often baited (Table 2).
A system of nine transects was established and used for the daily surveys. The trails were situated along an 8 km stretch of the lower Rio Xixuaú and its tributaries. The trail system covered all of the above mentioned major terrestrial habitat types. On the walked transects, observations of animals heard close to the trail were included (typically flushed animals and monkeys). Animal signs that could be identified to species level, such as armadillo burrows and tapir droppings, were also recorded.
For the interviews I relied mostly on two very knowledgeable locals: Carlos Roberto Nascimento who has lived for 25 years in Xixuaú, and worked for many years as a poacher of wild cats and Giant Otters, and João Soares Gomes da Silva, who has spent his entire life working inside the forest, and has lived about 10 years in Xixuaú. Both men have worked extensively as guides in the reserve.

TABLE 1. - List of mammals of the lower Rio Xixuaú area.

Abbreviations. Survey methods: A=acoustic record; B=burrows; C=camera trapping; I=interviews; Sk=skull; V=visual record; T=tracks (footprints, scats). Assessment of relative abundance: c=common; s=significant seasonal variation in local abundance.


Didelphis marsupialis
Black-eared Opossum

Cyclopes didactylus
Pygmy Anteater

Myrmecophaga tridactyla
Giant Anteater

Tamandua tetradactyla
Southern Tamandua
Bradypus tridactylus
Pale-throated Three-toed Sloth
Choloepus didactylus
Amazon Two-toed Sloth
Dasypus kappleri
Great Long-nosed Armadillo

Dasypus novemcinctus
Nine-banded Armadillo

Priodontes maximus
Giant Armadillo

Saguinus midas
Golden-handed Tamarin
Alouatta seniculus
Red Howler Monkey

Ateles paniscus
Red-faced Black Spider Monkey

Cebus apella
Tufted Capuchin

Chiropotes satanas
Brown Bearded Saki

Pithecia pithecia
White-faced Saki

Saimiri sciureus
Amazon Squirrel Monkey

Speothos venaticus
Bush Dog
Nasua nasua
Ring-tailed Coati

Potos flavus
Eira barbara

Galictis vittata

Lontra longicaudus
Neotropical River Otter

Pteronura brasiliensis
Giant Otter
Leopardus pardalis

Leopardus wiedii

Herpailurus yaguarondi

Panthera onca

Puma concolor

Inia geoffrensis
Boto River Dolphin
Sotalia fluviatilis
Tucuxi Dolphin

Tapirus terrestris
Brazilian Tapir

Pecari tajacu
Collared Peccary

Tayassu pecari
White-lipped Peccary
Mazama americana
Red Brocket

Mazama gouazoupira
Brown Brocket

Trichechis inunguis
Amazonian Manatee

Sciurus cf. aestuans
Brazilian Brown Squirrel
Coendou prehensilis
Brazilian Tree Porcupine
Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris
Agouti paca
Dasyprocta agouti
Red-rumped Agouti

Myoprocta acouchy
Red Dwarf Agouti (Acouchy)
Proechimys sp.*
Spiny Rat
* Identified by J.A. de Oliveira and L.M. Pessôa from camera trap photo
Note: the scientific names generally follow Wilson and Reeder (1993).

TABLE 2. - Camera trapping results.

Abbreviations. Site of camera trap: fish bait = fish bait covered by leaves; veg bait = vegetarian bait (banana, manioc, food left overs, salt); nat trail = natural trail; hum trail = human trail; mud = mud wallow/watering hole ; trunk = hollow trunk.

No of photos


Didelphis marsupialis

Fish bait 150; veg bait 18; hum trail 6; mud 1
Myrmecophaga tridactyla
Fish bait/scratching tree 2, mud/salt 1
Dasypus kappleri
Cavity in trunk/nat trail 3
Mud 9; hum trail 2; nat trail 4
Priodontes maximus
Burrow 6; dug up termite nest 7
Eira barbara
Veg bait
Puma concolor
Hum trail/fish bait/scratching tree
Tapirus terrestris
Nat trail 1; veg bait 1; salt 4; mud 5
Pecari tajacu
Fish bait 7; mud 4; water 11; bed 21
Mazama americana
Hum trail 3; salt 2; bed of peccaries 1

Agouti paca

Veg bait 1; hum trail 3, mud 1; trunk 1

Dasyprocta agouti

Nat trail 1; veg bait 3, salt 2; mud 4; trunk 4
Myoprocta acouchy
* Photos where it was not possible to distinguish between D. kappleri and D. novemcinctus


More than 750 records of mammals were obtained by sightings, acoustic records and camera trapping. The inventory includes 43 species (Table 1), out of which 23 were sighted, 13 were recorded by camera trapping, and an additional 13 ‘reliable’ species were reported by the locals of Xixuaú. The study design did not allow for precise estimates of abundance of the species, however, several of the species were recorded frequently enough to conclude that they were common. This information is included in Table 1.
Table 2 lists the results of the camera trapping, giving information on the sites and bait types used successfully to record the various species.

Primate observations

The only monkeys observed frequently in the igapó forest during the survey were Howlers and Capuchins. During the low water season the diverse and abundant primate fauna is found in the terra firme.
In order to analyze the habitat use of the primates in the terra firme forest, four of the most walked transects were chosen, representing a grade from very tall, open, undisturbed primary forest to forest with many tree falls and much natural secondary vegetation. The average time it took to walk a transect was about the same on these four trails, so the results are comparable. Two measures were calculated: a sighting index (i.e. the frequency of recording a species per walked transect), and the number of records of a species on a trail divided by the total number of primate records on that trail (i.e. how frequently a species was observed on a trail in comparison to the other species) (Table 3).
All seven species of primates were observed carrying young throughout the study period.
Squirrel Monkeys and Capuchins are known to commonly associate (Emmons and Feer 1997). During our study, we saw 22 examples of such mixed troops. The only other species often seen associating was the Bearded Saki. We had several observations of a single Bearded Saki moving together with either Spider Monkeys (n=3) or mixed Capuchin/Squirrel Monkey troops (n=3).

TABLE 3. - Occurrence of primates in various types of terra firme forest.

Data from four terra firme trails grading from very tall and open to relatively disturbed forest. Sighting index = no. of obs. of sp. / no. of transects walked; % = no. of obs. of sp. / total no. of primate obs. on trail (see text for explanation).

Trail habitat
Very tall, open, many thick trees, little secondary vegetation
Tall, relatively open, relatively little secondary vegetation
Part of trail tall, relatively open forest, other part of trail with much secondary vegetation
Diverse mixture of tall primary and many patches of secondary vegetation around tree falls
No. of transects walked
Total no. of primate obs.

S. midas
A. seniculus
A. paniscus
C. apella
C. satanas
P. pithecia
S. sciureus


When opossums (Didelphidae), spiny rats (Echimyidae), and rats and mice (Sigmodontinae) are excluded, the long-term study at the MSCE Reserves north of Manaus recorded 32 species of non-volant mammals (Voss and Emmons 1996). In our study, we found 41 species within this category. The high number compared to the MSCE reserves is mainly explained by the fact that this area consists exclusively of terra firme growth, with no major rivers and associated riparian vegetation.
An additional armadillo species distributed throughout the Amazon, Cabassous unicinctus, could be expected in the Rio Jauaperí region. The species is extremely difficult to record in rainforest; neither L.H. Emmons or J.R. Malcolm, some of the most experienced field workers in the region, found the species during their extensive studies at the MSCE Reserves (Voss and Emmons 1996), and only later has it been recorded in the region by camera trapping (Rittl 1998; Yabe et al. 1998). A second species of tree porcupine, Coendou melanurus, could also occur (Emmons and Feer 1997; Eisenberg and Redford 1999), however, the species was not recorded in the MSCE Reserves, and was not known by locals in Xixuaú.

Habitat use and seasonal local migration of primates

The data in Table 3 should obviously be viewed with caution, but nevertheless give a good indication of various trends. Using these results along with the rest of our observations, in Table 4 I have given a summary of the overall habitat use of the primate community. The following forest strata classifications for the terra firme were used: A stratum = tall emergents; B stratum = the continuous canopy; C stratum = smaller trees (and palms) below the canopy.

TABLE 4. - Resume of primate habitat use in Xixuaú.


Habitat use
Saguinus midas
According to Emmons and Feer (1997), unlike other callithrichids this species tends to frequent open, high forest formations. This concurs with the observations from Xixuaú. Quite common in both tall, open mature terra firme forest and terra firme forest with many patches of natural secondary vegetation. In tall forest they seem to favour trees with relatively dense foliage. The most commonly observed species in secondary forest. Strata B-C.
Alouatta seniculus
Seems to be the most evenly distributed primate species in the various terra firme forest types, being common in all parts of the terra firme. Rarely seen in secondary forest, but relatively common in igapó forest, both during the low water and the flood season. Strata A-B.
Ateles paniscus
Seems to be the most specialized primate habitat wise; almost exclusively recorded in tall, open mature forest with relatively little disturbance, and were never recorded in secondary forest or igapó. In their prefered habitat they may be the most commonly recorded monkey. Strata A-B.
Cebus apella
The most recorded of all the primates, partly due to its relative abundance in the igapó, where, during the low water season, it is the most abundant species. Relatively uncommon in tall, open mature terra firme forest, but very common in the more heterogenous terra firme with tree falls, and also relatively common in disturbed forest. When in mixed groups with Squirrel Monkeys, they are on average higher up in the forest. Strata B-C.
Chiropotes satanas
The least commonly observed monkey, and half of the observations were of single individuals. This may be partly explained by the fact that troops use large areas of several square kilometers (Emmons and Feer 1997), and, next to Squirrel Monkeys, this was the species seen in the largest groups. One troop of at least 45 individuals was encountered. They were found in the whole range of terra firme forest types. Never recorded in secondary forest, but, observed in igapó during the flood season. Strata B-C.
Pithecia pithecia
Another less commonly recorded species, which may be partly due to its generally shy, silent and secretive behavior. Rarely observed deep in the mature terra firme forest, and prefers secondary forest and edge habitats (e.g. between igapó/terra firme and secondary/primary forest). During the flood season, the species enters the igapó. Strata B-C.
Saimiri sciureus
Uncommon in tall, undisturbed terra firme forest, and favoured terra firme forest with a high degree of natural disturbance to an even greater extent than the Tufted Capuchin, with which it often associates. Often seen in palms. This is a common species in secondary forest and was also observed frequently in riparian vegetation at the edge of rivers and clearings, both during the low water and flood season. Strata C.

During the dry season when fruit is scarce inside the seasonally flooded igapó the only common monkeys found in this part of the forest are Howlers (specialized folivores) and Capuchins (omnivores) (Emmons and Feer 1997), both able to get by without fruit. During my flood season visit in 1996 I recorded also White-faced Saki, Brown Bearded Saki and Squirrel Monkey in the igapó. My own observations combined with information from locals indicate a strong migration of many of the primate species from the terra firme to the igapó during the flood season, when the amount of fruit increases substantially. However, I never saw Spider Monkeys in igapó, and according to the locals, this species stays in the terra firme. This may also, at least to some extent, be the case with the Tamarin.

Camera trapping

Camera trapping has been used successfully for mammal studies in tropical forests of Asia and Africa (Griffiths and van Schaik 1993; Karanth and Nichols 1998; Franklin et al. 1999). This survey, along with the studies of Rittl (1998), Yabe and Higuchi (1998), and Yabe et al. (1998) has shown that also in the Amazon camera trapping is a highly efficient way to relatively quickly record a number of shy and secretive terrestrial mammal species, and survey a fauna that may otherwise take years to inventory. The above mentioned camera trapping studies north of Manaus recorded also Jaguarundi, Ocelot, Margay, Grison, Coati, and a range of smaller species of opossums and rodents.
Ants and termites are known to be a major problem for field workers camera trapping in rainforest in Asia, since they use camera traps as nesting sites. To solve this problem I recommend a simple solution: wrap adhesive tape around the base of the pole on which the camera trap is placed with the sticky side facing outwards. Above this, the bark can be peeled upwards with a machete so that an ‘umbrella’ is constructed; this umbrella protects the tape against rain and probably works against rodents (like the system used on ropes on ships, to prevent rats from entering).
After this study, a similar mammal survey was carried out in Pantanal of SW Brazil. In the coming publication of that study (Trolle in prep.) more detailed recommendations for camera trapping in the Amazon and Pantanal will be given.


This project was a collaboration between the Zoological Museum University of Copenhagen, National Institute for Amazonian Research, Manaus (INPA) and Museu Nacional, UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro. The project was made economically possible by the generous support of WWF-Denmark/Novo Nordisk, Explorers Club-US, Copenhagen Zoo, University of Copenhagen, Zoological Museum of Copenhagen, Frimodt-Heineke Fonden, Torben og Alice Frimodts Fond, H.R. Frederiksen og Grete Siim Frederiksens Fond, Direktør Peder Mortensen og Hustru Marry Mortensens Fond, Kjebi Fonden, NetTravel, Duracell, Photographica, and Fuji. Thanks are also due to Associação Amazônia for providing the opportunity to carry out the study in Xixuaú Nature Reserve. For collaboration, advice and support thanks to Dr. João Alves de Oliveira, Dra. Maria Nazareth Ferreira da Silva, Dr. Hans J. Baagøe, Prof. Jon Fjeldså, Mogens Andersen, Dr. Leila M. Pessôa and Dr. Louise Emmons. Tim Dempster and João Alves de Oliveira kindly revised the manuscript and Signe Zacchi translated the summary into French. And finally, many thanks are extended to my field assistants in Xixuaú for invaluable help in the field.


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